3D Covers
About 3D Covers
3D Covers displays the artwork of the currently playing iTunes track as well as the artwork for the next track in the form of a 3D rotating cube that sits above all your windows.
3D Covers frees your iTunes album artwork so that you can enjoy seeing the album cover of the music you are listening to rotate to reveal the next track's album cover.
Options include three cube sizes and displaying or hiding the name of the track.
The cube's rotation is synced with the duration and current play position of the track.
Features of 3D Covers:
· Sits above all windows allowing you to see iTunes album artwork as a 3D cube whilst you work.
· Displays both currently playing and next track (next track is not shown in shuffle mode).
· Optionally displays track names.
· Small, medium and large cube sizes.
· Rotation is synced with the duration and current play position of the track.
NOTE: Using 3D Covers with a remote shared iTunes library may result in lag of the application.