Active RPN Calculator
About Active RPN Calculator
Enjoy classic RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) with this easy-to-use programmable scientific calculator. With an animated stack, 10 memories that show when needed, and easy keystroke programming, this new interpretation of what RPN can offer is excellent for newcomers and seasoned professionals alike. For programming with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, the visible stack provides clarity.
If you are new to RPN or want to try before you buy, download "Access RPN" - a learning version for FREE.
Background: Numbers are entered first in RPN, and then the operation is applied. e.g. 2 [Enter] 3 + will produce 5.
- visible and animated 4-level stack
- programmable: four user programs (simple keystroke programming, up to 100+ steps each)
- scientific functions
- 10 memories
- built-in help
Active RPN is a powerful and flexible scientific calculator with multiple memories and amazing programming.