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Analytiks - Google Analytics website stats, infographics, social media

The most beautiful Google Analytics app for iPhone. Fast, 100% secure, Analytiks supports multiple sites with Google's 2-step verification. Convert your Google Analytics stats into a beautiful, infographic. Follow traffic from all social networks...
12 август 2016, 06:14

About Analytiks - Google Analytics website stats, infographics, social media

The most beautiful Google Analytics app for iPhone. Fast, 100% secure, Analytiks supports multiple sites with Google's 2-step verification.

Convert your Google Analytics stats into a beautiful, infographic. Follow traffic from all social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr etc and search engines.

You need a Google Analytics account (free) to use Analytiks, not just a Google account.

Analytiks helps you do more with 100% security. Built-in support for OAuth 2.0 and Google 2-step verification. VERIFIED by Google. Check the official Google Analytics App Gallery page.


Some of the features your get with Analytiks:

● Traffic from Google, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit etc
● Organic (search) vs general traffic
● Top countries and Top browsers
● Desktop vs Mobile users
● Multiple sites (up to 16)
● Traffic from social networks + graphs
● Stats Reminders
● Referral sites
● Time on site
● iOS vs Mobile
● PC vs Mac
● Bounce Rate
● Top 5 keywords
● Custom date range for infographics

Make your visitors happy, improve your SEO traffic and better your Google rank. Analytiks helps you attack all these problems with almost real-time from Google Analytics app. Create your infographic and share it!

Over 140.000 downloads in 85 countries can't be wrong. Analytiks is the most beautiful Google Analyticsapp for the iPhone.

Analytiksは最も美しい、Google AnalyticsのiPhoneアプリです。安全で、簡単かつ必要なすべての分析や統計で高速。

Analytiks是最美丽的Google Analytics(分析)的iPhone应用程序。安全,简单,速度快,你想要的所有的分析和统计。

Analytiks ist das schönste Google Analytics App für iPhone. Schnell und sicher. Mehrere Standorte, 2-Schritt-Authentifizierung, Infografik.

Detta är: Analytiks, den mest vackra Google Analytics app för iPhone. Den är snabb och 100% säker med 2-steg autentisering. Du kan använda den till stöd för flera webbplatser och sist men inte minst så är den är unik infographic som kan exportera!




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