Camino Finisterre - A Wise Pilgrim Guide
About Camino Finisterre - A Wise Pilgrim Guide
No account necessary. No hidden costs.
Now in their 5th year as a mobile app, and their 11th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.
This guide covers the Caminos to Finisterre and Muxía from Santiago de Compostela.
Albergue Directory. A full directory of Albergues, and notes on which towns have alternative accommodation like camping, hotels, pensions, and casas rurales.
Stage Guide. Full directory of villages along the way, in the order in which you pass them, with accurate listings of what services are available.
Location Aware. Every location is geo-coded. Devices with GPS enabled will display actual distance from every point (albergue, church, city, etc.) within the app. Devices without GPS will instead show measured distances between points.
Photos. Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way. Currently 750+ images and growing.
Maps. If you have a data connection, or are connected to wifi, you can view the locations of every point on a map. Unfortunately, this feature is unavailable without a connection.
Scrollable Elevation Map. This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls South to North. One complete elevation, from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago, uninterrupted by page folds.
Comments. Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.
¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!