Code Snippets for Xcode
About Code Snippets for Xcode
Code Snippets for Xcode brings you bits of code pre-written to accomplish common tasks in Xcode apps. Save time, labor, and endless hours searching the internet or a massive book you got at a big box store. Pre-written code snippets include:
- Alert Controller
- Activity View Controller
- Action Sheet
- Table View setup with image in cell
- Set image view
- Sharing images
- Share weblink
- Load webview
- Display a PDF
- set map type as satellite, hybrid or standard
- Zoom to map location
- Detect device acceleration
- Detect device rotation
- Apply core image filters to image
- Gesture recognizers for tap, swipe, pinch and pan
- AVAudio player setup
- Collection View setup
- PickerView setup
- set text of a label in code
- Create a button in code and add to view
- Setup MPMoviePlayer and play video
- Print a file
- Send a tweet
- Slider control setup
- Switch control setup
- Segmented control setup
- Get image from Camera
- Get image from photo library
- Using NSTimer
- Using NSUserDefaults to read and write data
- Core Image filters
Code Snippets for Xcode also includes code for WatchKit:
- Get Device Size
- Dictation
- Menu
- Map zoom to location
- Image animation
- Table
- Label
- Modal presentation of interface controller
- Hierarchical presentation of interface controller
- Segue and data passing
- Play Audio stream
And more!
Just copy and paste the code snippet you need into your project, and adjust details according to the needs of your project. Watch for updates as we add more code snippets!