Colour Splash Photo Effect, Color Art Pic Creator
About Colour Splash Photo Effect, Color Art Pic Creator
Color Splash Photo Effect is a great app to lets you selectively color your photo that is already turned into gray or black and white (B&W) image .
Main features are :
- Select image from gallery or capture image with camera
- Initially image is converted to grayscale photo or black and white (B&W) image
- Pan & Zoom to draw perfectly
- Redo and Undo functionality
- Resize and fit image to screen
- Reset image to initial state
- Change brush size and brush opacity
- Realtime paint preview
- Save image to device storage
- Share photo to Instagram, Facebook, Messenger and many other sharing platform
We spent many hours to give perfection every part of this app because users satisfaction is our main concern! In near future, we will add more features for sure. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know on~ THESOLUTIONCAT@gmail.com ! We’d love to hear tour feedback!
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