Craft for Twitter - Tweet with Your Team & Blitz Social Media Marketing
About Craft for Twitter - Tweet with Your Team & Blitz Social Media Marke...
Craft helps you spice up your tweets. Collaborate with team members to compose the best tweet content. They propose tweets and you pick the best one.
* Twitter collaboration *
Craft is a Content Collaboration Platform, the first of it's kind.
* Buffer integration *
Schedule your best tweets at the best time.
* Insights *
Your best performing tweets in a monthly report.
How does it work? Four easy steps:
1. Create/join a 'Craft'
2. You and your team propose tweets (with text/links/videos/images)
3. The Craft creator reviews the concepts
4. The Craft creator schedules or posts the best tweet
People want this app so much they’ve invested money in its development! Craft was made possible by the SellanApp crowdfunding community.
Get Craft NOW to blitz your social media marketing!
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Future updates:
> Facebook Pages support
> Automatic selection of the best tweet (your virtual PR advisor)