Gear Speed and Tire Size Calculator
About Gear Speed and Tire Size Calculator
The Gear Speed and Tire Size Calculator app is for comparing different tire and wheel/rim combinations to transmission gears and differential ratios. Preload gear ratios are provide and gear speeds 4-8 are selectable to tailor the output results to the transmission (4-speed, 5-speed, 6-speed, 7-speed, 8-speed).
The Gear Speed Graph is interactive and allows one to compare results when hovering over / selecting a line graph point(s) to display the Comparison Graph Results Panel. The Gear Speed Graph also allows one to compare, hide, or show a given gear speed line graph by selecting the corresponding legend indicator to toggle the display of the selected line graph.
Calculations can be printed or saved as a PDF.
This App includes three (3) different calculators:
(1) Gear Speed Calculator - For calculating the speed in MPH or KPH for a given tire size, up to eight (8-speed) transmission gear ratios and differential ratio combination. The results appear in both an interactive Gear Speed Graph and Gear Speed Results table.
(2) Tire Size Calculator - For comparing the original equipment tire size (Rim in inches) to alternate after market tire and wheel/rim sizes.
(3) TMX Tire Size Calculator - For comparing the original equipment tire size (Rim in millimeters) to alternate after market tire and wheel/rim sizes.