ProTube & ProTube HD - Free Music & Video Ultimate Player for YouTube and SoundCloud
About ProTube & ProTube HD - Free Music & Video Ultimate Player for YouTu...
ProTube & ProTube HD is a music player add video player for YOUTUBE and SOUNDCLOUD.
ProTube & ProTube HD is a simple way to listen to the top ranked and latest hits of your favorite songs.
ProTube & ProTube HD is a music player that combines the Top music videos and keeps them up-to-date.
You can finds countless songs across a wide range of genres, explore top songs on the world’s music charts, and even create your very own custom playlists containing your favorite songs.
- Top Music Charts
- Shuffle/Loop/Continuous play
- Play music videos can be played in the background
- HD video quality support
- Organize You Tube playlists. You Tube music videos in a playlist can be rearranged in a specific order
- Control start/pause function by earphones
- Skip to the next song, or go back to the previous song
- Share Play music with Facebook/Twitter
* NOTE : All copyright reserved by YOUTUBE (Google) And Soundcloud.