Live+ - apply filter to live photo and export as GIF & Video
14 декември 2015, 05:25
About Live+ - apply filter to live photo and export as GIF & Video
With Live+, you can apply filters to live photo and export live photo to video & GIF in seconds!
You can save them to Camera Roll or share with friends.
-Apply filters to live photo.
-Convert live photo to video.
-You can turn the sound on or off [For Video].
-Convert live photo to GIF.
-You can set the quality size as big or small [For GIF].
-Save and Share with friends on Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Email, etc.
How to:
1.Select a live photo.
2.Choose a filter [optional].
3.Select Video or GIF to export [video in default].
4.Save and Share.
Email: [email protected]