QR Capture
About QR Capture
The most simple & easy QR Reader. Capture QR codes like you would do on a phone. Perfect for computer beginners. Works with iPhone & webcams (EpocCam...) and it natively runs on the new M1 processors.
- Code Scanner - scans QR codes (screen or camera*), scans other 2D barcodes (screen only)
- Drag & Drop on the app icon to scan a QR code / barcode
- Scan your clipboard for a QR code / barcode
- Full-screen barcode scanning (File-> Full-Screen scan, App Icon-> Full-Screen scan)
- Export scanned QR codes / barcodes as CSV text
- Automatic copy to clipboard (enabled in preferences )
- Quickly scan a selected area with the keyboard shortcut CMD+1 (also available from the top menu)
- Shortcuts support
- Double click to open in the corresponding app (Safari, Contacts, Mail, TextEdit, FaceTime...)
- Saves all successfully scanned texts in a local database
*(7 codes limit that can be removed using in-app)
- use your USB-attached webcam /iPhone or phone camera app (EpocCam) to quickly scan QR codes into your computer. Phone camera significantly improves scanning performance.
- use the button at the bottom of the screen to switch to the iSight camera.
- iSight camera has no autofocus feature. It is necessary to place the QR code at the correct distance so it appears sharp.
- always ensure that your room is bright to improve scanning results. Use additional light sources in semi-dark / poorly lit rooms.
- iPhone as a camera requires macOS 13 Ventura, iOS 16, and iCloud. iPhone as a camera on macOS Monterey/Catalina/Mojave requires 3rd party iOS app such as EpocCam.