Quick Word
About Quick Word
Quicker, simpler and easier, Quick Word as a fantastic word processor meets every essential need of your daily word processing tasks. Compact functions yet not complex operations, excellent interface yet not expensive price, it’s the app you CANNOT MISS!
√Offer you all the basic functions: markers such as highlight, underline, strikethrough and so on are available in “Font” tab, you can create your own style of annotation!
√Speech function can make your file speak, simply select the contents, right click and choose the “start speaking” under the “speech” tab.
√Quick Word supports reading, editing and saving files in various mainstream formats, including:
Word 2007 (.docx),
Word 97 (.doc),
Word 2003 xml (.xml),
OpenDocument (.odt),
Rich Text with Graphics Document (.rtfd),
Web Archive (.webarchive),
Rich Text Format (.rtf),
Text Document (.txt),
Text (you provide extension),
Open Document (.odt).
√Export files to HTML with/without styles, PDF, RTF/DOC with pictures.
√Input detailed copyright information of your file by “Properties” button.
√Automatically complete words by “Complete” function. Just select the words listed below the original one.
√Locate precisely anything in your file with “Find” tab. Replace, Replace/Find, Find the next/pervious, Replace/Select All can be finished in one dialogue box.
√Easily Insert pictures from your computer, the current date and signature line into your file.
√View your files in the most comfortable layout by setting-ups in the “View” tab.
If there is any problems, questions or suggestions, you are more than welcomed to contact us via contactus@foxsoft.us