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ShuBook 1F

- ShuBook 1F is our first-generation free app for reading books in any language. - ShuBook 1F + Package A adds Chinese-book specific features, and unlocks all features. - ShuBook 2F is our second-generation free app for reading books in any langua...
07 септември 2016, 07:16

About ShuBook 1F

- ShuBook 1F is our first-generation free app for reading books in any language.
- ShuBook 1F + Package A adds Chinese-book specific features, and unlocks all features.
- ShuBook 2F is our second-generation free app for reading books in any language.
- ShuBook 2P adds more and better features including Chinese-book specific features. See our website for more details.
- ShuBook 2M is a lower-priced version of 2P without Chinese-book specific features.

Note: iOS 10 or later users should try ShuBook 2F, 2M or 2P.

ShuBook — Millions of FREE Books at Your Fingertips

ShuBook is a versatile ebook reader designed for both beginners and expert users who are interested in keeping their own books forever readable independent of any ebook website or any ebook reader.

This app has built-in free access to millions of books on Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, FeedBooks, and many other sources.

Supported file types* include DRM-free EPUB, TXT, UPDB, PDF, RTF, DOC, XLS, PPT.

To help beginners get started, ShuBook provides a preset list of free and open book sources which do not require registration and login, so that users can easily browse, search, and download millions of free ebooks in multiple languages. ShuBook allows adding your own custom book sources, including some popular OPDS websites that require registration and login. Books can be downloaded or imported to ShuBook via multiple ways, including iTunes, email, webpage servers, OPDS catalog servers (such as calibre), cloud servers (such as Dropbox), and from other apps via “Open In...”.

One crucial point is that any book downloaded or imported to ShuBook can be exported via multiple ways, including iTunes, email, opening in another app, in order to ensure backup and alternative ways for reading them. As all supported book formats are open formats, and books can be freely exported and imported at will, to the largest extent books will still be readable in the future.

When you have hundreds and even thousands of books in your ShuBook (local) library, finding quickly the one you want is no simple matter. Thus, ShuBook helps by letting you sort, group and search the books in multiple ways. As one of the ways to help organize your books, for each book you may edit its title, author, and label, or restore its publisher's defaults, including its cover image where applicable.

As for TXT and UPDB formats, they are processed internally almost as if they were EPUB, such that you can control the layout and look of each book in a very precise manner to suite your personal perference, thereby taking more advantages of ebooks over paper books. Moreover, you may import your favorite TrueType font files and use them for EPUB. For a book with figures, ShuBook's unique image browsing mode lets you browse all the figures with pan and zoom, without seeing the intervening text. This is much more convenient than a paper book. This is also perfect for reading comics especially on an iPhone.

You may sync the reading progress of each book across any pair of iOS devices, including iPad, iPhone and iPod, and across any ShuBook family app, including ShuBook SE and ShuBook, with no dependency on iCloud or any other account.

Last, but not least, if you read books in Chinese, Japanese or Korean, you may enjoy reading them also in vertical instead of just horizontal layout styles. Moreover, ShuBook is unique in supporting “one-touch conversion” between Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters.

After many rounds of enhancment, ShuBook has successfully put together a rich and useful feature set† under a friendly user interface, and remains fast and stable.

* All described bookmark, book layout and look-and-feel features are limited to EPUB, TXT, UPDB.




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