Stickyflix - A player for Netflix
31 януари 2016, 07:23
About Stickyflix - A player for Netflix
Stickyflix lets you access Netflix super fast.
You can watch movies and TV shows online. It's fast, easy and sticky!
Browse movies and series without even opening your browser. Stickyflix allows you to watch your Netflix content straight from your desktop or directly from your status bar.
- Play movies in the app.
- Status bar and Window App.
- Easy switch between menu bar app and window mode.
- Sticky Window mode ON/OFF to make it always on top.
- Native Full screen support.
- Support for Alpha Trasparency.
NOTE: A Netflix membership is required. Please visit Netflix.com to verify if Netflix is available in your country.
Disclaimer: Stickyflix is a third party app. It is not associated or affiliated in any way with Netflix Inc.