Twittelator Free for Twitter
About Twittelator Free for Twitter
Twittelator is the ultimate power Twitter client with every feature you need. Feel the pulse of the Twittersphere.
Just a few features of the over 150 features:
Post to your Facebook wall too
Auto-ReTweet or editable ReTweets
Twitter Lists: create, edit, load - see other's too
Geotag tweets and get maps of users
Video: record, edit and tweet video
Create and tweet audio clips and photos
Unlimited drafts and offline tweeting
Create lists of friends
Follow lists and see who's following you in their lists
Post map of your location
Built-in browser to view links, movies, audio
Get details and follow any user
Find nearby tweeters and map their location
Advanced searching (save them too)
Email, ReTweet, and copy tweets
Trending Topics
Stock Portfolio
English, Español, Deutsche and 日本語