Wizz Air - Book Flights
About Wizz Air - Book Flights
What could be better than low-cost flight deals? Select from 200+ destinations, choose your ideal travel date and get set for cheap flights the easy way with the WIZZ Air flight deal and travel app.
FARE FINDER - search for the lowest available fare for your journey and book by best price
HOTELS - reserve your hotel with Booking.com and get 5% of your booking value back as WIZZ credit
AIRPORT PARKING - save up to 60% when you reserve
CAR HIRE - reserve your car with Rentalcars.com and get 5% of your booking value back as WIZZ credit
WIZZ RIDE - book a taxi to and from the airport with WIZZ Ride.
Fly to the most popular destinations across Europe, from Bucharest, Budapest, Krakow, Tirana and Vienna, to Lisbon, Rome, Naples, Milan, Malaga, Madrid and Athens. Check out our low cost flights to the Middle East and places like Abu Dhabi, Alexandria, Amman, Muscat and Tel Aviv.
• Get flight deals via push notifications
• Scan your documents for a faster booking and check-in process
• Check in with your confirmation details and say goodbye to printing*
• Check out your flight schedule and track your plane in real-time
• Share flight searches with friends and family or send travel companions their boarding pass
• Save all your important travel documents to the app
• Use the in-app boarding card – either online or offline!
• Fast Track boarding and Lounge access
• Bus transfers at cheap prices from the airport to the centre of your destination city
• Stay connected with 5G data roaming over 160 countries with eSim and Fast Track!
Sign up to a WIZZ Discount Club membership and get discounted flight fares.
Stay entertained on board by downloading the WIZZ in-flight magazine before you board.
Check out meals, snacks or drinks in advance from our extensive on-board menu.
Want to add more luggage or change your reserved seat? No worries, you can add many travel-related services through the app.
Follow WIZZ on social media for all of the latest news, offers and competitions:
• Facebook @wizzair
• Instagram @wizzair
• Twitter @wizzair
Available in almost 20 languages
Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian
*Only at airports with permitted access