XNotepro - IDE editor for html, txt, perl, phyton and programming - remote access for Geany
About XNotepro - IDE editor for html, txt, perl, phyton and programming -...
XNotepro is an editor that includes a lightweight Integrated Development Environment(IDE) for programming in C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, and Pascal. Is is a remote access to the editor Geany. As such, it inherits its features:
- Syntax highlighting
- Code folding
- Symbol name auto-completion
- Construct completion/snippets
- Auto-closing of XML and HTML tags
- Many supported filetypes including C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal (full list)
- Symbol lists
- Code navigation
- Build system to compile and execute your code
- Simple project management
This app is an access to a Geany app that is run remotely. Note that in order to use this app you must use the following actions with your fingers:
- Left-click: Tap once.
- Double-click: Double-tap.
- Mouse-drag: Tap, hold long and move your finger.
- Scroll-wheel: Two-finger drag up/down and left/right.
- Zoom in/out with your fingers.
- Send text: Click on the button keyboard.