You Doodle - create and share your art fast and simple
About You Doodle - create and share your art fast and simple
Featured in over 100 countries! Downloaded and loved by over 8 million artists worldwide. Continuously developed and improved for over 4 years by Jeff Johnson (jjxtra).
Draw tools, frames, text, stamps, stickers, filters, shapes, slideshows, recording, image blender, crop / resize, stylus and Apple Pencil plus much more make You Doodle your one stop app for all your drawing and art needs.
You Doodle contains the features of dozens of other photo editors combined, and is the fastest and easiest way to draw on pictures and create art for iOS. Create amazing pics and share to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and be the envy of all your friends. You Doodle is widely considered to be one of the best photo editors on iOS for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
You Doodle is a full featured art studio and here are some of the features:
- Many draw tools: brush, air-brush, shape and 3D brush, calligraphy pen, eraser, color picker, flood fill (super fast with real-time preview), spray, chalk, recolor (with tolerance), blur, smudge, clone stamp, soft edge, scissors
- Record your drawing for playback as a video
- Create slideshows and import photos, videos and GIFs. Export to Video or GIF. Add music that is downloaded to your device. Add custom watermark with pro version.
- Share to PDF, Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, Sketch Book, Twitter, Tumblr, Dropbox, Weibo, Email, Text Message, Camera Roll, Printer or Copy to Clipboard.
- Split view on supported devices
- Force touch on supported devices
- Import fonts from Safari or other supported apps (zip, ttf, otf)
- Quickly draw and add text with the new photo editor extension
- Save to your sketchbook from other supported apps
- Supports up to 16 megapixel camera images (4096x4096), depending on device
- Gradient tool
- Turn your art into a T-shirt!
- Many blend modes for brush and fill tool
- Add text to your photos with tons of colors, fonts, outlines, glow, 3D, circular, shine, scaling and rotation
- 3D rotation (X, Y, Z) for text and images with perspective (perspective on iOS 7+ only)
- Pixel perfect rotation and placement of text and photos
- Draw in real-time with nearby You Doodle users (iOS 7+ only), everyone must have the same You Doodle version
- Insert multiple images at a time to create a collage
- Draw on top of the first page of your PDF and Office documents from Dropbox
- Use the blender tool to blend the foreground and background in interesting and fun ways
- Tons of cool stamps with offline support once downloaded
- Post your entire photo on Instagram (with square cropping) and other social networks
- Hundreds of picture frames and collages
- Over 30 amazing filters and effects
- Add shapes like arrows to highlight interesting bits in your photos
- Your own personal sketchbook to save your drawings to your device
- Flip, rotate, crop and filter your photos
- Glow effect for draw tools
- Legend creator for maps and other diagrams
- Simple table / spreadsheet creator
- Mask the background to the foreground and filter the background for some really cool effects
- Add custom fonts from your Dropbox folder (/Apps/YouDoodle/fonts)
- Adonit Touch and Pogo connect stylus integration
Differences between versions:
Pro - no ads, everything unlocked
Plus - more ads, everything unlocked
Regular - less ads, some in-app purchases
Some features in this version of You Doodle are in-app purchases, but many of the features (shapes, text, filters, etc.) are completely free. Brush, eraser, eye dropper and paint bucket are free draw tools in this version.
*Developers* - Easily embed you doodle in apps. Contact me for details.
Follow on Instagram: @you_doodle - http://instagram.com/you_doodle)
Follow on Twitter @YouDoodleApp
Like on Facebook - http://facebook.com/youdoodle
Support email - support@youdoodle.net