1Tube Pro + Playlist Manager for YouTube + Free Music for iPhone + MP3, Songs, Audio in Music Player for iOS8!
Über 1Tube Pro + Playlist Manager for YouTube + Free Music for iPhone + ...
1Tube allows you to organize YouTube videos in playlists, view history of watched videos and bookmark videos.
- Play Top 100 songs or top 100 from different genres.
- Manage playlists: Create, rename or delete.
- Search music videos by keyword.
- Rotate to full screen play mode.
- Skip songs with headphones or iPod controls.
- Double Tap on video to zoom in and out, one tap to dismiss controls.
- Works on background.
- Display media info on lock screen (iOS 5+).
- Lyrics button (when a available)
- Sleep timer: scroll player controls to the left
- Multiple action on playlist: delete and add to playlist
- Quick automatic search on history, favorites and playlists
ATTENTION: The purpose of download / cache feature is to save network usage and reduce loading time. If you like the video/music, you can find them in iTunes Store.