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BLE Scanner 4.0

No.1 Scanner Utility for Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner & Peripheral, iBeacon Scanner and advertiser and Eddystone Scanner for UID, TLM, URL beacon format. BLE Scanner was developed with a vision to help Bluetooth community, developers who wants to...
Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017, 06:32 Uhr

Über BLE Scanner 4.0

No.1 Scanner Utility for Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner & Peripheral, iBeacon Scanner and advertiser and Eddystone Scanner for UID, TLM, URL beacon format.

BLE Scanner was developed with a vision to help Bluetooth community, developers who wants to build BLE products & applications.

BLE Scanner is used by not only developers but also users are using it to find their lost Fitness Trackers and other Bluetooth Smart Devices.

Main Features BLE Scanner
# Scan near by Bluetooth Low Energy, iBeacon and Eddystone devices.
# Added Peripheral (Advertising) Mode and make clone of connected central.
# Create your custom peripheral, Add custom services & characteristics.
# Advertise your phone as virtual peripheral device using standard SIG profile and custom cloned devices.
# Customize Eddystone configuration for UID, URI and TLM.
# Filter devices by Name and RSSI.
# History of all devices discovered. Find out which device was discovered when with discovery Time.
# Delete History options in history tab.
# RSSI Pool helps to find out how far your devices are. Lower the number the closer you are to the source i.e. -25 very near and -80 is far from your BLE devices.
# Favorites your devices.
# Explore Services & Characteristics of connected device.
# Perform Read, Write, Notify & Indicate.
# Check device compatibility for BLE.

iBeacon™ is copyright by Apple.
Eddystone™ is copyright by Google.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/blescanner
Comments, questions or suggestions? Mail us: [email protected] or Visit us: www.bluepixeltech.com




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