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English Thesaurus

Featured by Apple in “New & Noteworthy” in USA, Spain and other countries, this Thesaurus has been many a time rated by our customers in the App Store as the most outstanding, comprehensive and extensive English thesaurus available anywhere. Now, ...
Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015, 20:22 Uhr

Über English Thesaurus

Featured by Apple in “New & Noteworthy” in USA, Spain and other countries, this Thesaurus has been many a time rated by our customers in the App Store as the most outstanding, comprehensive and extensive English thesaurus available anywhere. Now, with the desktop version, Word Magic is outperforming itself, fixing most issues requested by Users in the past and adding many bonus features you will find in no other synonyms dictionary app. Guaranteed!

WORKS OFFLINE - Connection required only for voices and spell-check.

What makes this English Thesaurus unique?

• The fact that you may enter set phrases, not only single terms, as valid entries.

• The fact that you may obtain synonyms of parts of speech usually not included in other thesauri, such as exclamations, prepositional phrases and idiomatic verbs. Even proverbs have their synonyms!

• The sheer number contained in the database, no less than 1,049,000 synonyms and 283,000 antonyms, is not equaled by any book in existence.

• Meaning Descriptors to help distinguish between the different meanings a word.

• Strict coherence of each synonym set. Transitive verbs yield only transitive synonyms. Intransitive verbs yield intransitive synonyms. Meanings and connotations of words are never mixed.

Latest additions:

• Embedded Tutorial.

• You may now enter plurals as valid entries.

• Background color and font selection from among 19 different themes.

• Fuzzy Search: Detects misspelled words and offers close suggestions.

• Natural sounding voices in English.

Voices powered by iSpeech.



English Thesaurus ist verfügbar für 2,00 € im App Store

Mac app store

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