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With Episoder you can keep track of all of your favorite TV-Shows. See when the next episode is scheduled and read episode summaries. You can mark episodes that you have already seen, and read about the upcoming ones. Get an overview of your progr...
Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016, 07:26 Uhr

Über Episoder

With Episoder you can keep track of all of your favorite TV-Shows. See when the next episode is scheduled and read episode summaries. You can mark episodes that you have already seen, and read about the upcoming ones. Get an overview of your progress for each show, and instantly see what to watch next!

The shows appear in the main list. You can view show information, see all the seasons of a show, and read about episodes. Watch trailers and add notifications into your calendar. You can also sync your data across all of your iOS devices.

Discover new shows in the Top 100. This list is our collection of the most popular shows. Read summaries and watch trailers to see what shows you could start watching.

It is a must have for all the TV-Show Fanatics! (It is created by one...). Never miss an episode again, this app could become your new best friend!




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