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MIDI Guitar for GarageBand

MIDI Guitar is a revolutionary piece of software that allows you to play software instruments and synths on your guitar, essentially converting your guitar into a polyphonic MIDI controller/keyboard. The guitar-to-MIDI transcription runs in real-t...
Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015, 20:15 Uhr

Über MIDI Guitar for GarageBand

MIDI Guitar is a revolutionary piece of software that allows you to play software instruments and synths on your guitar, essentially converting your guitar into a polyphonic MIDI controller/keyboard. The guitar-to-MIDI transcription runs in real-time, with latency and accuracy comparable to expensive and inconvenient hardware MIDI guitar solutions.

##### See what users are doing with it at: http://jamorigin.com/videos ######

MIDI Guitar for GarageBand is a stand alone app that analyzes your guitars output signal and converts into MIDI that is sent to GarageBand or Logic using Apples Virtual MIDI standard in a frictionless setup, but also with some limitations compared to the plugin version of MIDI Guitar (more info at our website).

In order to use MIDI Guitar you need guitar- or audio-interface and a solid body electric guitar. Use a dry guitar signal, bridge pickup, tone all way up.

The app is free to try and evaluate with your setup.

If you have problems please see the built-in interactive help system or email our support.




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