Movie Scores:Find great movies
Über Movie Scores:Find great movies
Thinking of watching a movie, but not sure if it's any good?
Movie Scores is the answer.
Just type in the name of the movie and instantly see the Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb scores - beautifully presented and color-coded.
Want a more balanced rating? The "Movie Score" is the average of all three.
Need to see the user / audience scores too? Just tap the "Get Score" button.
So you've found a movie with good ratings, but you're still not sure? Just click the Trailer button to see a trailer.
- Find out if a movie is any good, instantly. Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes & IMDb ratings in one place
- Quick access to user & audience scores. See what other people think on Metacritic & Rotten Tomatoes
- Access instantly with the keyboard shortcut, whether you're browsing Netflix or in your theater software
- Watch trailers for any movie
- Do a "random" search - find interesting movies you've never heard of
- Also search for a TV show and get the IMDb rating. Then just click to get the Metacritic rating
Download Movie Scores now and never sit through a bad movie again!