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Bilder Malen Zeichnen - Lernen für anfänger zeichnungen mit bleistift

1. Draw, Sketch & Paint anything. 2. You will find Every color to draw. 3. You can also customize your color as you wish. 4. Import photo from gallery or by capturing a new photo. Draw on photo. Have fun! 5. Rotate & scale photos as much as you wa...
Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2015, 05:52 Uhr

Über Bilder Malen Zeichnen - Lernen für anfänger zeichnungen mit bleistift

1. Draw, Sketch & Paint anything.
2. You will find Every color to draw.
3. You can also customize your color as you wish.
4. Import photo from gallery or by capturing a new photo. Draw on photo. Have fun!
5. Rotate & scale photos as much as you want.
5. 200 Cool Stickers Free!
6. You can change Brush size & Opacity settings.
7. Undo & Redo option for your every action.
8. Ruler & different kind shapes - square, circle, parabola etc.
9. You can vanish Left, Right & Bottom bars to use the full space to draw.
10. Made very easy & convenient to use.
11. Save artworks in gallery & share them into any social network you want.




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