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SQLPro for SQLite

SQLPro for SQLite is an advanced sqlite editor. It has an easy to navigate interface, with the ability to perform the most basic to advanced tasks. Features include: + Syntax highlighting and query intellisense/auto-complete. + Advanced multi-qu...
Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015, 20:20 Uhr

Über SQLPro for SQLite

SQLPro for SQLite is an advanced sqlite editor. It has an easy to navigate interface, with the ability to perform the most basic to advanced tasks.

Features include:

+ Syntax highlighting and query intellisense/auto-complete.
+ Advanced multi-query execution.
+ Pick from multiple included themes, or design your own.
+ Automatic external change detection reloads a database when modified outside of SQLPro.
+ Version integration. Mucked your database? Rollback to a previous version.
+ Runtime loadable extension support.
+ Semiautomatic dependency resolution.
+ Export your data to csv, mysql, xml or json.
+ Backwards compatibility with SQLite 2.
+ Fullscreen support.
+ Column reordering.
+ Inline filters allowing you to customize the way your data is displayed.

If you have any issues with this application, please see our support forum: https://sqlitepro.com/forum or send us a message on Twitter: @SQLProApp.

This product is an independent management tool for SQLite.
SQLPro for SQLite is not affiliated or endorsed by the SQLite development team.



SQLPro for SQLite ist verfügbar für 32,00 € im App Store

Mac app store

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