VCP4 VMware (vSphere 4) Exam Prep
Über VCP4 VMware (vSphere 4) Exam Prep
With over 200 original questions to prepare you for the VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 4.1 exam, Dynamic Path presents its exclusive VCP4 VMware exam prep app.
Prepare for the VMware Certified Professional exam on the go with our review questions. All questions were written exclusively for Dynamic Path by a certified VMware expert.
- 200+ simulated exam questions
- Exclusive, intuitive interface with offline access
- Study Mode: Study at your own pace; each question is paired with a clear and useful explanation
- Test Mode: Set your own question and time constraints to simulate the exam experience
- Review Mode: Go over your answers in both question-by-question and aggregate format
Covers all topics on the exam, including:
- Plan, Install, and Upgrade VMware ESX/ESXi
- Configure ESX/ESXi Networking
- Configure ESX/ESXi Storage
- Install and Configure vCenter Server
- Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines and vApps
- Manage Compliance
- Establish Service Levels
- Perform Basic Troubleshooting and Alarm Management
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