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SympleStats - Simple System Statistics for Menubar

This is an advanced system monitor for your Mac. SympleStats uses your menubar to show relevant information about your system, and windows to show additional information. It can show constant statistics without a waste of resources. SympleStats c...
Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015, 19:52 Uhr

Über SympleStats - Simple System Statistics for Menubar

This is an advanced system monitor for your Mac. SympleStats uses your menubar to show relevant information about your system, and windows to show additional information.

It can show constant statistics without a waste of resources. SympleStats code is very optimized to work with a maximum performance.

- Customizable interval updates and they are individuals for menubar and windows.
- Very low resources use.
- Opened windows are always on top over other apps windows.
- Full stats of CPU, System, Memory, Network and Battery (Including battery remain time).
- Custom views for battery: you can select between to show percent, remaining time or both in menubar.
- Clean design to a perfect integration with your system.
- Launch on login option.
- Compatible with Dark Mode.

Simple System Statistics for all!

* Special thanks to Ángela García Jiménez for helping design creation.

* If you like it, please, rate it; and if you find any issue, please, contact us.



SympleStats - Simple System Statistics for Menubar ist verfügbar für 5,00 € im App Store

Mac app store

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