About Alfred
Alfred is a keyboard-driven productivity application, helping you launch apps and search your local computer as well as the web with great speed.
* Winner of Macworld's 2012 Editor's Choice Awards
* TUAW's Best Mac Utility of 2011
* Mac AppStorm's Top Mac Apps 2011
* Leo Laporte's MacBreak Weekly Pick of the Week April 2011 & more!
* Application launcher: Launch any application with a quick shortcut. Alfred will learn which apps you use often and prioritise them when you search
* Search your Mac: Quickly find and open files, bookmarks, contacts, music and more. You will never again have to wonder just where you saved that important document.
* Search the web: Search or launch your favourite websites: Maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia and many more.
* Calculate and Spell: Just start typing to do a quick calculation or look up spellings, definitions or synonyms and antonyms.
* System Commands: Control your Mac with speed and efficiency. Empty trash, start the Screen Saver, restart, shut down, eject a drive and more.
* Custom Searches: Create your own web searches for frequently used websites and wikis.
Ward off RSI - skip using the mouse with this fast and beautiful app.