Business Text Editor
About Business Text Editor
Business Office brings you a word processor, business template documents and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet templates together in one app.
- Browse word processing templates including Memo, Business Plan, Resume and more
- Open and edit templates with the word processor
- Browse over 30 spreadsheet templates for Microsoft Excel
- Export for use in Microsoft Excel
The included word processor is an easy-to-use yet powerful text editor and document writer that makes your writing fast, simple, easy to manage and convenient. With many of the features found in powerful Word Processors, yet as simple as a basic text editor, you will get your document tasks done fast.
- Manage headers and footers including page numbers
- Save documents locally or migrate them to iCloud
- Format fonts including style, text size and colors
- Create complex tables with colored backgrounds
- Insert images including png, tiff, and jpeg and more
- Easy access toolbar make document formatting easy
- Manage paragraph, line spacing and character spacing settings
- Simple and fast with an uncluttered user interface
- Includes full screen or windowed mode
- Manages the most common formats including .rtf, .rtfd (rich text with images/tables), .doc, .xml, or export to PDF
- Include numbered and bulleted lists
- Create rich, colorful documents that wow colleagues or simple documents for personal use
- Export documents to Microsoft Word (2007 format), RTF, TXT, and PDF
Word Processor is iCloud enabled, so is with you everywhere you go. Access your documents with all your desktop computers and laptops.
NOTE: This is an unofficial app not associated with or endorsed by Microsoft Corporation. This app exports spreadsheet templates but does not include Microsoft Excel which must be purchased separately. Use of the spreadsheets included with this app requires either Microsoft Excel 2011 or 2016 edition or online subscription to Office 365. Microsoft and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Word processing document templates can be edited within the app, no extra purchase required.