Caffiend - Caffeine Tracker
About Caffiend - Caffeine Tracker
Caffiend is the fast and easy way to stay on top of your caffeine consumption. Designed for speed, Caffiend allows you to enter drinks with one tap. Select from a wide and ever increasing database of drinks and other items that contain caffeine, including items submitted by users just like you!
Using the Journal, you can track your caffeine and hydration intake over days, weeks, months and beyond. If you make an erroneous entry, you can simply swipe to delete. If you ever need to get your Journal data, you can now Export Journal Data to a CSV file and email it to yourself.
Quickly enter items you drink frequently by setting them as a "Quick Drink". With one tap of a Quick Drink, it is added to your daily journal and you're done. You can also choose from Favorite Drinks and Recent Items - and if you like to mix your own drinks, we also support custom items. Have a custom item you want to share? Submit it for inclusion in the Caffiend database. We will anonymously include your drink so others around the globe can use it too!
You can even adjust your serving size (up to 10x on iPhone, 4x on Watch) if you feel like having a little extra. Missed a drink? Planning ahead? You can also set the date / time of when you want your caffeine/hydration entered.
We sync all of this to Health.app for easy tracking by you or a health care professional if you choose. If you need access to your daily intake at a glance, you can check your caffeine level with our Notification Center Widget or Apple Watch Glance.
Speaking of Apple Watch, you can now use Caffiend on Apple Watch to add your Quick Drinks from your wrist. We also sync over the entire Favorites list for a wider array of drink options.
We hope you enjoy using Caffiend - follow us on Twitter @creative_ave for more. And please rate Caffiend on the App Store - we appreciate all the feedback from our users.