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Disk Doctor: System Cleaner

Free up tons of disk space with Disk Doctor by removing gigabytes of unneeded files from your hard drive. With just a few clicks, you can selectively remove files from the following categories: - Applications Caches - Application Logs - Brow...
December 13, 2015 19:08

About Disk Doctor: System Cleaner

Free up tons of disk space with Disk Doctor by removing gigabytes of unneeded files from your hard drive.

With just a few clicks, you can selectively remove files from the following categories:

- Applications Caches
- Application Logs
- Browser Data
- Mail Downloads Folder
- Downloads Folder
- Large Files (files within your user folder that are larger than 100 MB)
- Partial Downloads
- Developer Files
- Old iOS Software Updates
- Trash Can

Disk Doctor now features a totally new UI design with full Retina support!

Let us know what other functionality you want added for the next version by emailing us!



Disk Doctor: System Cleaner is available for 2.00 usd on the App Store

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