Easy To Use For Sony Vegas Pro
About Easy To Use For Sony Vegas Pro
Learn how to create stunning videos using Sony Vegas Pro video editing software. You will be surprised how easy it is to use once you have learnt the basics.
This collection of More Than 630 Video Tutorials will soon bring you up to speed with basics as well as getting you started on advanced special effects.
Use this app as a “Video Referencing Library” where you can come back for a refresher lesson or search for how to do something new.
App features:
** Edit the video title, subtitle and keep your own set of user notes.
** Move the video around it's group and even change it's group.
** Make videos your favourites and give them your own rating
** Search by title or notes
** View by favourites or rating
** View by history the last ten played or visited videos
Lessons include:
Tips and Tricks 1 Sony Vegas
Sony Vegas 3D-Effect NO PLUGIN NEEDED
4 Transitions Sony Vegas Tutorial
Sony Vegas Bounce Text Effect 30
Sony Vegas Liquid - Effect160 TEXT
Watch me edit hyxbrid Effects 29
Sony Vegas Smooth PanCrop Effect 28
Contours Effect Sony Vegas Tutorial 2
Watch Me Edit magicxmerl Sony Vegas Effect 26
Sony Vegas 4 SFX Effects Tutorial
Sony Vegas Vignette Effect 24
Sony Vegas Distorted Tiles Effect 1
Sony Vegas Pro Sound effects echounderwaterradio
Sony Vegas IMessage Effect 21
26 Tutorial Shadowed Text
20 Tutorial Film Roll Effect
How separate voiceoversSony Vegas converter
Sony Vegas Effect 20
Watch me edit hyxbrid Effects 18
Sony Vegas Tutorial Glitch Effect
Sony Vegas Dissolve Shake Effect 16
Watch Me Edit xQueenOfChaos Effects 14
Sony Vegas Zoom Shake Effect 10
Watch Me Edit Transition Effects
Effect 30 Sony VegasTutorial
Sony Vegas I Masking effect
Sony Vegas I Neon Lights
Sony Vegas Pro Effect 2 Distorted Tile Effect
Sony Vegas Effect 156 TEXT
How to Gaussian Blur
Effect 3 Shake
Effect 1 Glitch
38 Tutorial WipeBlobs Effect text
37 Tutorial Three Tiles
35 Tutorial Little Squares
Effect 28 Sony VegasTutorial
How to remove music background UPDATE
Sony Vegas I Motion Blur
Sony Vegas Effect 152
Effect 26 Sony VegasTutorial
Vidder Tips Project I
Sony Vegas II Effect 18 - Tile 1
Effect 5 Tears
34 Tutorial Moving Image
Effect Tutorial 10 Blur Transition Sony Vegas Tutorial
Sony Vegas I Effect 16 half screen
Effect 4 Text
Effect 24 Sony VegasTutorial
Sony Vegas Effect 2
Moving Borders Effect Tutorial 5 read the description
Sony Vegas Glow-Zoom Effect 6
Sony Vegas Text Effect 2
Sony Vegas Effect 7
Sony Vegas Tutorial 4 How to make a Thumbnail
Sony Vegas Tutorial 3 Text Effects
Watch Me Edit Emotional Couples Editing
Creating Thumbnails Sony Vegas Tutorial
Effect Tutorial 6 Velocity Blur Sony Vegas Tutorial
Voiceovers Sony Vegas Tutorial
Effect Tutorial 7 Cookie Cutter Sony Vegas Tutorial
27 Tutorial Faceless Effect
23 Tutorial Halovision Effect
15 Tutorial Double Text
Sony Vegas II Effect 11 letters 5
SV13 Color Curves Color Corrector
12 Tutorial Transparent Text
1 Text Effect Soft Text
Sony Vegas Pro 13 - Moving Borders Effect
Sony Vegas II Effect 10 letters 4
Sony Vegas Effect 145
Sony Vegas II Effect 9 letters 3
Sony Vegas Tutorial Effect 6 LXDs Original Displacement Effect
Sony Vegas Tutorial Effects 1
Sony Vegas Effect 144 shard
Sony Vegas Effect 143
11 Tutorial Glitch Effect
Sony Vegas Effect 142
How to saveuse coloring in Sony Vegas
Sony Vegas II Effect 7 letters 2
9 Tutorial Color Stripe
Sony Vegas TV Effects Glitch
Effect 20 Glitch Sony VegasTutorial
watch me edit allison -- bloodstream
Sony Vegas II Effect 6 Bassics
Effect 16 Sony VegasTutorial
How I edit 2 Rina Calypsova tutorial effects
4 Tutorial Garbage Matte Effect
6 Tutorial Text appears slowly
5 Tutorial Hidden Text
8 Tutorial Flashes
Sony Vegas Tutorial 3 Effects
Effect 19 under water sound Sony VegasTutorial
Split Screen Effect Sony Vegas
Sony Vegas Tutorial ll Effect 2 black flashes