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  • Election Fat to Fit Gym - fun run jump-ing 2016 games with Bernie, Donald Trump & Clinton!

Election Fat to Fit Gym - fun run jump-ing 2016 games with Bernie, Donald Trump & Clinton!

Can you get these overweight politicians to lose weight and get in shape for the election? To lose weight fast, they are going to need your help!! Watch what they eat, exercise 20x a day, and make sure they hit the weight room!!! Once one polit...
April 18, 2016 05:41

About Election Fat to Fit Gym - fun run jump-ing 2016 games with Bernie, ...

Can you get these overweight politicians to lose weight and get in shape for the election?

To lose weight fast, they are going to need your help!!

Watch what they eat, exercise 20x a day, and make sure they hit the weight room!!!

Once one politician loses weight, move onto other characters, and help them out as well!

Run on the treadmill, jump rope, box, lift weights, and much more to get fit fast!!




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