File Transmit
About File Transmit
File Transmit helps to do uploads, downloads, backups, and synchronize Cloud Storage with ease.
Features >
+ On iPad, its traditional two-pane browser-like user interface is easy to learn and use.
+ It is capable of transfer, queue, job management, with the speed be boosted by turbo mutli-threaded engine. File Transmit's powerful engine solves your file transfer problems.
+ Many connections inside one window.
+ Transfer files from one cloud drive to another. File transfer in background.
+ Upload photos, videos from library to cloud
+ Rename, delete, copy files
+ Share files and folders easily with others
+ View documents, PDFs, photos, videos and more
+ Support for Dropbox, Box, GDrive, OneDrive and many more to come
Disclaimer >
+ This app is an utility to let you connect to cloud storages and make file transfer easier.
+ It does not provide content. By conforming to each cloud API Terms of Service, this app allows users to manage their files.