Find by phone number - free (who is it?)
About Find by phone number - free (who is it?)
Got a phone number but you don't know who called?
This app helps you finding your contacts in your address book!
- searching a phone number to the latest figures
- searching for a phone number for coincidence numbers anywhere
- going to the appropriate contact to start editing it from the application
You will be able to search a contact in the iPhone or iPod by any number in your address book effectively.
Or just get acquainted with combinations of numbers that exist in addresses of your friends :)
Find number - I did not write this app and I think it is fantastic. I have more than 1000 names and numbers stored on my iPhone. I sometimes receive calls (on my landline or other phone) from numbers I do not recognize and this app helps me find who it belongs to it is great and the price is right. Thanks to those who took the time to create this!