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GIF Brewery 3 - Video to GIF Creator

GIF Brewery 3 is a video to GIF creator on Mac OS X. GIF Brewery 3 lets you convert clips from your video files to GIFs. Let GIF Brewery do all the hard work for you! Features: * Convert clips from your videos into GIFs. * Can record your scree...
February 26, 2016 05:31

About GIF Brewery 3 - Video to GIF Creator

GIF Brewery 3 is a video to GIF creator on Mac OS X. GIF Brewery 3 lets you convert clips from your video files to GIFs. Let GIF Brewery do all the hard work for you!

* Convert clips from your videos into GIFs.
* Can record your screen, web cam, or iOS 8+ devices and opens them ready to be converted to a GIF.
* Resize and crop the video for your GIF.
* Add multiple captions or overlay images to the created GIF.
* Create GIFs with your desired FPS or manually set the frame count and frame delay.
* Apply image filters like Color Correction or famous photo filters like Transfer and Noir.
* Save settings for later edits.
* Supports Mac OS X 10.11+.

Important Notes:
* GIF Brewery 3 does not alter the original file.
* GIF Brewery 3 only opens video files.
* GIF Brewery 3 can only open and create clips from movies that Quicktime can open and play. Apple provides information at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3775. If Quicktime attempts to convert the file, you'll need to convert it before opening it in GIF Brewery 3.
* GIF Brewery 3 does not support Quicktime components, such as Perian.
* Generally speaking, GIF Brewery 3 only supports *.mp4, *.m4v, *.qt, *.mov, *.mpg, *.3gp, and *.m2v files.
* Handbrake is a very good video transcoder for converting files to *.mp4, which are usable in GIF Brewery 3.
* GIF Brewery 3 does not support any DRM-protected files.
* GIF Brewery 3 does not create GIFs from series of images.
* GIF Brewery 3 does not open *.gif files. It creates them from other supported video file formats.

If you are having an issue with any of the codecs listed above, please contact us! Note: If you experience any crashes whatsoever please contact Hello, Resolven at contact@helloresolven.com. We are unable to diagnose the issue without direct help from impacted users.

Praise for GIF Brewery 3:
* 9to5Mac: "GIF Brewery 3 brings a polished animated GIF-creating experience to the Mac"

Praise for previous GIF Brewery releases:
* MacWorld: 4/5, "GIF Brewery makes it a snap to convert video files into animated GIFs."
* Mac.AppStorm: 9/10, "A great app to create your own customizable animated GIFs."
* The Verge mention: "For OS X, we’ve been having fun with GIF Brewery ... It’s simple, intuitive"
* Buzzfeed article: "... impress your friends and win the hearts of many with your GIF-making prowess!"



GIF Brewery 3 - Video to GIF Creator is available for 4.00 usd on the App Store

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Simmilar App


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