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iNETMeter - Internet stats in your menu bar

This is the perfect solution to control and supervise your network usage. With a lot of useful network stats, iNETMeter is the App you need to monitor your Internet connection. A great Application that uses your status bar to show your network sp...
July 17, 2017 05:33

About iNETMeter - Internet stats in your menu bar

This is the perfect solution to control and supervise your network usage. With a lot of useful network stats, iNETMeter is the App you need to monitor your Internet connection.

A great Application that uses your status bar to show your network speed (download and upload) in real-time, and clicking on it, you can access to a lot of extra info, such as your public IP, data downloaded and uploaded, and more.

* Special thanks to Ángela García Jiménez for helping design creation.



iNETMeter - Internet stats in your menu bar is available for 1.00 usd on the App Store

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