INVOLVD: Democracy is not a spectator sport.
About INVOLVD: Democracy is not a spectator sport.
If you want the presidential candidates to actually solve the problems facing America you need to get INVOLVD. Investigate Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's solutions and then vote on their viability. Have a better idea? Share your solution, see how it stacks up. If you want send it to the candidate of your choice.
Created by journalists at the Boston University College of Communication
For each candidate's solution watch an original veteran news anchor story, an Extra Report anchored by a BU Journalism Graduate Student or read a four to six minute written analysis edited by The Conversation.
* Vote on the viability of the candidate's solutions.
* Share your vote with the candidate and to Twitter or Facebook.
* Post your own solution
* Use your camera on your phone to record a video message detailing your solution.
* Get your network to vote up your solution. If your solution gets enough votes, we will assign a journalist to produce an analysis of your idea.
* Share your solutions directly with the candidate of your choice and urge them to adopt your idea.