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iPeriod Ultimate (Period / Menstrual Calendar)

"A must-have Personal Assistant" - GLO.MSN.COM "Top iPhone App for Busy Women" - FORBES "...a simple yet ingenious application"- POPULAR SCIENCE "Health Rules for Every Woman: Use a tracking app like iPeriod Ultimate" - GLAMOUR "Allows smartph...
December 13, 2015 21:23

About iPeriod Ultimate (Period / Menstrual Calendar)

"A must-have Personal Assistant" - GLO.MSN.COM
"Top iPhone App for Busy Women" - FORBES
"...a simple yet ingenious application"- POPULAR SCIENCE
"Health Rules for Every Woman: Use a tracking app like iPeriod Ultimate" - GLAMOUR
"Allows smartphone users to fastidiously track their monthly cycles" - THE HARVARD CRIMSON
"I highly recommend the iPeriod app..." - MOMMY TOO! MAGAZINE
"What's Hot" - APP STORE

Celebrating 3 years in top Healthcare and Fitness apps!
iPeriod is also available on your iPhone and iPad!

iPeriod® now runs on your mac! Browse your calendar, view your notes and record symptoms all on one screen!

Let iPeriod® keep track! The most customization and more than 80 symptoms and 28 skins (all free)!

Now with a Community FORUM! Learn, share, and connect with the global iPeriod community! Check it out TODAY!

iPeriod's beautiful VISUAL CALENDAR makes it easy for you to view your menstrual cycles at a glance... complete with emoticons, unique icons symbolizing your symptoms, expected periods, fertile days, ovulation and weight!


•DISCREET icon name "iP"
•Track periods, symptoms, notes, moods, weight and more (80+)!
•Let iPeriod predict periods, ovulation, and fertility (great for trip planning!)
•Extensive customization (customize symptoms, choose from 26 free skins, 4 calendar styles, choose which icons appear on the calendar)
•Keep your data safe with backup and restore
•Sync your data across devices
•View graphs of your data
•Receive alerts for when your period is expected!
•Password protection
•Export and print your data to take to your doctor appointments
•Breast exam reminders
•Community Forums

Enter your period for at least two consecutive cycles, and iPeriod® calculates your average duration, cycle length and estimates the dates of your next expected periods, fertile days and ovulation! Each time new data is entered, statistics are updated.


The only app that truly graphically displays your data on the calendar... other apps simply place a single symbol to represent all symptoms.

• The MOST accurate: predictions are based on your cycles (not averages) and improve over time
• The MOST customization: adjustable luteal phase, hide symptoms not used by you, manage which icons appear on calendar
• The MOST personalization: 4 calendar styles, 28 skins
• Customizable icons to better suit your needs
• Breast exam reminders
• Searchable note history (including freeform notes, moods and symptoms)
• Email alerts

TRACK THE FOLLOWING (Hide/Show as needed)

• GENERAL: Flow, Freeform Notes, Spotting, Love Connections, Weight
• SYMPTOMS: Acne, Anxiety, Appetite, Backache, Bloating, Breast Tenderness, Constipation, Cramps, Crying Spells, Depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Food Cravings, Headaches, Irritability, Migraine, Moodiness, Nausea, Stress, Tension, Trouble Concentrating, Weight Gain
• MOODS: (choose from 43!)
• FERTILITY: Temperature, Ovulation, Pregnancy Test Results, Cervical Fluid/Position/Firmness/Opening, Ovulation Kit, Fertility Kit

Great for doctor's appointments, event planning and estimating when to leave the house prepared!

To view an icon legend, go to Settings/Icon Legend or visit our website and click on "Calendar".
Light green day = fertile day
Dark green day = day of predicted ovulation
Light/Medium/Dark pink day = period day
Faded pink round dot = expected period day

iPeriod assumes a luteal phase length of 14 days, which is the average for most women.

You may modify the luteal phase length in the settings screen.

Do not rely on iPeriod® to prevent pregnancy.

Since iPeriod's debut in September 2008, it has been tailored to our customer's needs and wishes. Thanks for all the great suggestions that have helped to create this latest version. Please keep the feedback coming, and send us an email if you have any questions. Thank you!



iPeriod Ultimate (Period / Menstrual Calendar) is available for 3.00 usd on the App Store

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