Java IDE
About Java IDE
1)Java IDE新版改名为"i码邦",支持Java多文件项目管理,以及即时编译和云端运行。请在app store搜索"i码邦"并下载,或者复制此链接直接进入: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/i-ma-bang/id1040357642?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8
2)联系作者: mrwjw@qq.com
Java IDE including Mini IDE and Cloud Eclipse two different USES Java IDE.
Mini IDE provides a source code editor, you can edit the Java source code, can be saved and open source code, compile and prompt error/warning message online, and run the Java source code to view the results online. If it can't compile/run, please try it again later.
Cloud Eclipse is powerful desktop IDE--Eclipse of the Cloud completely transplantation, here provides the Eclipse JDT (Java Development tools) :
>JDT Core: An incremental Java builder.
>JDT Debug: JDT Debug implements Java debugging support and works with any JDPA-compliant target Java VM.
>JDT Text: Keyword and syntax coloring/Code formatting/code assist
>JDT UI: Package Explorer/Type Hierarchy View/Java Outline View/Wizards for creating Java elementsr/Search/Refactor.