Magzter Newsstand
About Magzter Newsstand
* World's largest digital magazine newsstand with 10,000+ magazines
* Get FREE unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines and premium articles for 30 days
* Voted the #1 digital reading destination by readers and top publishers from all over the world
Magzter, the world's largest digital magazine newsstand with over 10,000 magazines in its catalogue, will change the way you read magazines. From automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion to lifestyle, news, sports, technology and travel, Magzter has magazines across 40+ exciting categories to cater to your varied interests.
Why you'll love Magzter?
1. Enjoy reading your favorite magazines anytime and anywhere on the go.
2. Magzter's ezRead feature 2.0 revolutionizes the digital magazine experience by presenting magazine pages in responsive layouts that are automatically optimized for any size screen – smartphones as well as tablets. No longer is awkward panning and zooming required to read a digital magazine article on a small screen!
3. Access premium articles across exciting topics, curated from the best-selling magazines.
4. Download the magazines and read them later even when you're offline.
5. Bookmark your favorite magazine pages to quickly access them later, and clip your favorite pages and share instantly on social media.
6. Enjoy unlimited reading access at Smart Reading Zones.
Top magazines on Magzter
Automotive – Automobile, Car and Driver, Classic Trucks, Hot Rod, Motorcyclist, Top Gear
Business – Bloomberg Businessweek, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes, Fortune, Inc.
Cooking – BBC Good Food UK, Bon Appétit, Cooking Light, Food & Wine, Saveur, Taste of Home
Entertainment – Entertainment Weekly, OK!, People, Us Weekly, TV Guide, Vanity Fair
Fashion – Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, Marie Claire, Vogue
Fitness – Health, Iron Man, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness Hers, Oxygen, Yoga Journal
Lifestyle – Brides, Esquire, Glamour, GQ, Maxim, The Oprah Magazine
News – Mother Jones, Newsweek, New York, Reader's Digest, The Atlantic, Time, India Today
Science & Technology – Macworld, PC Magazine, PCWorld, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Wired
Sports – ESPN The Magazine, Golf, Skiing, Sports Illustrated, Surfer, Tennis
Travel – Backpacker, Country, Condé Nast Traveler, Lonely Planet Traveller, National Geographic Traveller (UK), Travel+Leisure
Magzter's 'All-You-Can-Read' subscription model, Magzter GOLD, gives users unlimited access to 5,000+ best-selling magazines (including their back issues) and premium articles for one low monthly price. Sign up for a Magzter account from the app now and enjoy 30 days of FREE Magzter GOLD access!
Magazine, Magzter GOLD and Magzter GOLD Lite subscriptions are available for purchase inside this app.
1-month subscription (automatically renewed until canceled)
3-month subscription (automatically renewed until canceled)
6-month subscription (automatically renewed until canceled)
12-month subscription (automatically renewed until canceled)
Your subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
Your iTunes account will automatically be charged at the same price for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period unless you change your subscription preferences in your account settings.
You can manage your subscriptions through your account settings after making the purchase on your device.
No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period.
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We value your feedback and welcome any comments you may have to help improve our services. Please write to us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to hear from you.