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Mars Craft - Focus Timer Clock

If you are excited about future of human Mars exploration, then you will love MarsCraft! In everyday life, it can be hard to motivate yourself to perform important tasks, especially with constant phone distraction. Do you want to put down your ph...
July 02, 2018 06:10

About Mars Craft - Focus Timer Clock

If you are excited about future of human Mars exploration, then you will love MarsCraft!
In everyday life, it can be hard to motivate yourself to perform important tasks, especially with constant phone distraction.

Do you want to put down your phone for a short time and focus your attention on what is really important in your life?
Start building a colony base on Mars!

Welcome to MarsCraft!
Your time is value here, convert it to MarsBucks by working on your life.
Choose time between 10 min - 2 hours, start building and with time your building will get built up.
However, if you cannot resist the temptation of using your phone and leave the app, your building on Mars will get destroyed.

The visual stimulation and feeling of achievement and responsibility will encourage you to spend more time in real life and not with your smartphone.
Stop getting distracted by your phone and get busy being productive in a fun way.
MarsCraft is a "gamified" productivity app that will get you more things done - Guaranteed!

• Idea based on the Pomodoro timer technique.
• Build amazing Mars buildings and spend more focused time on what’s really important in your life.
• Be proud of yourself once you build your colony base with your focused time.

• Easy-to-use interface with awesome graphics.
• Focus on the task with a timer.
• Build a colony base on Mars.
• Choose the time you need.
• Take notes.
• Add friends and like their bases.
• See statistics.
• Work with a beautiful interface.

• Earn rewards that will unlock new possibilities for your base.
• Find hidden Easter Eggs that will surprise you.
• Inspirational quotes and facts about Mars.
• See other user's bases with notes they took. Share and compete with friends, family, and users around the globe.
• Challenge yourself to gain an experience and level up to reach Legendary 100 level.
• Unlock new colonists, buildings, rockets and more.
• Share your achievements with friends.
• Compete with other people and friends.

• Track your progress throughout the day, week, month or year.
• Create your own tags and check detailed analytics of your time spent.
• Watch the progress of your friends and their ranking in friends/world MarsCraft users. Who can achieve the best results and built a most beautiful base?
• Receive updates about your progress

Be disciplined and focused, stop procrastinating. Keep your productivity at a high level.
Your boring and routine tasks will suddenly become a lot more fun with MarsCraft!

We are passionate about MarsCraft and its community of space enthusiasts. Our team made MarsCraft in London with love. We constantly bring new features and updates for you to enjoy and stay productive!

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enclaverlabs
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/enclaverlabs
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marscraft

Sound: www.bensound.com
Some icons: www.icons8.com




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