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Moment Camera

Moment Camera — Timer/Sequential Shooting Just a Simple Photo Shooter The precious Moment of you and me. Using self-timer and sequential shooting function, never lose the moment you want to remember. "Moment Camera: A Better iOS Camera App Wi...
October 20, 2016 06:52

About Moment Camera

Moment Camera — Timer/Sequential Shooting
Just a Simple Photo Shooter

The precious Moment of you and me.
Using self-timer and sequential shooting function, never lose the moment you want to remember.

"Moment Camera: A Better iOS Camera App Without the Crap" — GIZMODO: App of the day & iPhone apps of the week

"Moment Camera — The Simpler Camera App Alternative" — Beautiful Pixels

"Moment Camera For iPhone Is A Charming Alternative Snapper With A Beautiful And Clean User Interface" — Redmond Pie

"The iPhoneographer’s toolkit: 9 essential iOS apps for shooting, editing and sharing" — The Next Web

"セルフタイマーと連写が魅力のシンプルアプリ『モーメントカメラ』" — Lifehacker


∙ Flash ( Off, On, Auto, Flashlight )
∙ Sequential Shots ( 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 )
∙ Self-Timer ( 0, 3, 5, 10, 30, 60s )
∙ Grid ( None, 3×3, 2×2, Square, Circular )

Self-Timer & Sequential Shooting
∙ Self-Timer: 3, 5, 10, 30, 60 seconds
∙ Timer Sound Effect and Flash Blinking Sign (switch in options, default OFF)
∙ Sequential Shooting: 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times
∙ Sequential Shooting Intervals: 0, 0.5, 1 seconds (switch in options, Default 0.5)
∙ Sequential Shooting with Self-Timer Function

Concise interface & Convenient functions
∙ Clean and Modern White UI Design
∙ Various Grids: 3×3, 2×2, square, circle
∙ Flashlight Mode Function (Night shooting)
∙ Can Replay(preview) the photos just took (delete in options)
∙ Automatically Saving to Camera Rolls
∙ Touch-focus and Auto-focus
∙ Auto Hide button Function (switch in options, default OFF): When immersed in taking picture, top buttons are hidden automatically. Touch the top or manual focus, the button appears again.


Please allow Camera Roll Access
1. Open Settings
2. Tab Privacy
3. Tap Photos
4. Set “Moment” to On

Moment Camera is free from September 15, 2017.
Thank you for your love of Moment camera.


Moment Camera
∙ Website: http://daramghaus.com/moment
∙ Facebook: facebook.com/momentcamera
∙ Twitter: @MomentCameraApp
∙ URL Scheme: momentcamera://

daramghaus — Studio like a sweet home
∙ Website: http://daramghaus.com
∙ E-mail: daramghaus@gmail.com
∙ Facebook: facebook.com/daramghaus
∙ Twitter: @daramghaus

© daramghaus




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