Slide out Notification Center to quickly see key performance data for your Mac, such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and Battery. Click the charts to drill down and reveal more details. Click the Network and Disk Icons to view even more data.
Monit Widget is a modest, but ambitious, Notification Center Widget for monitoring your Computer.
Please see https://mmonit.com/widget/ for more details.
● The Widget connects to an external host to get your Public IP-address. This is the only reliable way to obtain your address. No data is sent, only read.
● Temperature, fan-speed, disk i/o and exact process resource usage are available by installing a small helper program from https://mmonit.com/widget/ The Helper uses no CPU when the Monit Widget is not running and less than 3 MB of ram.
● The Top-5 App List shows App CPU usage normalized (0-100%) across all CPU cores.