Onion VPN with Tor
About Onion VPN with Tor
Try Onion VPN for free - FREE 3 DAY SUBSCRIPTION!
Route ALL your Internet access over the Tor network!
Onion VPN secures by routing all traffic across the Tor network. We use a combination of cutting edge VPN technologies connecting you to the Tor network to provide a global Internet connection.
Access the Internet through encrypted gateways routing through nodes across the globe through the Tor network.
Easy to configure - no complicated settings or configuration.
The VPN service also provides a secures your connection by encrypting your traffic until it reaches our servers.
For more information on Tor see https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en
* Increased privacy and anonymity
* Secure connection through local networks
* Easy and quick configuration
* Supports PPTP and OpenVPN
* Works through most Firewalls and ISPs
Tor VPN provides a completely automated setup process, no complicated settings or configuration required!
We do not allow P2P / BitTorrent - all users will be disconnected and banned
To activate VPN:
This application manages the VPN service and configures your device. To enable the VPN:
1) From the home screen select Settings
2) Select VPN
3) Ensure the US VPN setting is ticked, then swipe VPN to turn on.