Pomotime - Productivity and Brain Booster using Pomodoro Technique
About Pomotime - Productivity and Brain Booster using Pomodoro Technique
Pomotime is an Ads-Free tool for you to boost your brain, increase focus and improve productivity.
Our application is the combination of almost all efficient methods for time management:
**The Pomodoro Technique
**GTD aka Getting-Things-Done
**MIT aka Most-Important-Task
**The Sounds of Productivity (coming soon)
It's not only a timer, but also a solution for your to kill any procrastination.
You can do-more-with-less by getting things done with high focused during a work session and then reward yourself with short break.
You will easy to:
1. Pull down to create new to-do like Clear to-do app
2. Swipe left-to-right to mark a to-do as finished.
3. Swipe right-to-left to delete a to-do.
4. Tap and hold to arrange the priority of to-do list.
5. Manage your to-do task list (Getting-Things-Done technique)
6. Change time period for each pomodoro, short break, long break, number of session before a long break.
Our future features:
1. Allow Pomotime to run in Widget
2. More languages,theme and sound
3. Statistic your productivity improvement
4. Assign a specific pomodoro time for each task.
5. More focus with productivity background sound.
Pomodoro™ and Pomodoro Technique® are registered trademarks of Francesco Cirillo. This app is not affiliated with Francesco Cirillo.
Happy focus and kill all procrastination!!!