QR Code Reader - QR Scanner & QR Code Generator
About QR Code Reader - QR Scanner & QR Code Generator
The Best QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free App in the market.
QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free can be use as shopping assistant.
Simple user guide as following:
To scan the QR code, simply open the application, align the code. QR Code Reader will automatically recognize any QR code. When scanning the QR code, if the code contains a URL, you can open browser to the site by press browser button . If the code contains only text, you can instantly see.
- Scan all kinds of QR codes
- Scan product barcodes
- Save your scans in History
- Share codes via SMS, Email, Twitter, and Facebook
- Display QR codes and barcodes on screen
-Jump directly to WEB ADDRESSES decoded.
- Flashlight supported for scanning QR codes or Barcodes at low-light environments.
-SHARE your QR CODES through: Email, SOCIAL NETWORKS (Facebook, Twitter, Clipboard, Google Plus), TEXT MESSAGES.
QR Code Reader , QR Code Scanner & Barcode Scanner app is developed for fast and accurate to be the fastest QR Reader / Barcode Reader/Barcode Scanner out there.
QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free is very essential app for every iOS device who want to know product price and information.
QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free is very easy to use; simply open the app and point your device to QR or barcode you want to scan and app will automatically detect and scan it and will show you the information accordingly.
QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free can scan and read all QR / barcode types including 2d QR Code, 3D QR Code, text, url, ISBN, product, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats. After scan and automatic decoding user is provided with only the relevant options for individual QR or Barcode type and can take appropriate action. You can even use QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free to scan deals, tag, coupons / coupon codes to receive discounts and save some money.
Scan product barcodes with QR Code Reader for iPhone / Barcode Scanner for iPhone in super shops and compare prices with online prices to save money. QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner Free app is the only QR reader / barcode reader you will ever need.
Also includes a complete QR Code Generator
Create your own QR codes for: Email Addresses, Contacts, SMS Messages, URLs, Phone Numbers, Text Notes, Locations,Calendar Events, and More.