About Quakee
** NOTE TO NEW USERS: Each day hundreds of earthquakes occur around the world, some big and some very small. To help get you started looking at this data, by default Quakee will show you just those over magnitude 5. Want to see more? Customize the data you see from the Settings tab. **
Easily view earthquake data from around the world with Quakee's simple yet powerful interface.
Current features include:
✔ Live, world wide earthquake data from the USGS.
✔ See information about significant earthquakes in history that happened on this day.
✔ Google Maps integration lets you see exactly where the epicenter was.
✔ Geolocation integration lets you see how far you are from the epicenter.
✔ Color coding of quake magnitudes lets you quickly spot big ones.
✔ Sort quakes by time, magnitude, region, and distance from you.
✔ Limit the quakes you see by how far they occurred from you.
✔ Recent quakes automatically refresh when settings are changed.