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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder

*** NOTE *** This is an older version. Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.0 is now also available in the Mac App Store with hundreds of new features and improvements! Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is not an HTML editor, but an HTML generator! You can visua...
December 13, 2015 20:13

About Quick 'n Easy Web Builder

*** NOTE ***
This is an older version. Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.0 is now also available in the Mac App Store with hundreds of new features and improvements!

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is not an HTML editor, but an HTML generator! You can visually (WYSIWYG) create your websites by using drag & drop. Place objects (Text, Lines, Images, Shapes, Slideshows, Galleries, Forms etc) anywhere on the page (pixel perfect layouts).
Now you can create amazing websites without having to learn HTML!

- Desktop Publishing for the Web! Create websites as easy as drag and drop.
- Outputs HTML4, XHTML, PHP or HTML5
- Built-in support for CSS3 opacity, box-shadow, border-radius, gradients.
- Site Management. Easily add, edit, clone and structure your web pages from a single file.
- Easily create forms using the built-in Form Wizard or manually with a large selection of form tools
- Built-in PHP form processor (send email, upload file to a folder on the server).
- Built-in form validation (message box, info bubble or HTML5)
- Advanced graphics tools like shapes, rotation, shadows, reflection and more than 50 other image effects.
- Style manager for global styling (CSS)
- Gradient Manager, create awesome multi-color gradient effects!
- Publish to local drive or a FTP server using the build-in FTP manager.
- Built-in Slide Shows, Photo Galleries, Rollover images, Logos etc.
- Sitemap generator.
- Supports JavaScript events with (optional) jQuery animations!
- PayPal eCommerce Tools.
- Many navigation tools available: Navigation bars, tab menus, dropdown menus, slidemenus.
- More than 50 ready-to-use JavaScripts (galleries, text effects, social media etc.)
- Template support. Already more than 100 templates available!
- Support for YouTube, Flash Video, HTML5 Video/Audio and many other video formats.
- Add external scripts and other code with the HTML object.
- and much more!

Can you please not use the review section of the Mac App Store for bug reports. There is no way for us to reply to these messages and that makes it very difficult for us to help you and fix the problem.
Many comments in the reviews are INCORRECT, so if you need assistance then please you use the support forum on the website and we will be happy to provide help. Please give this software a fair chance and contact us first before writing a bad review. We will try to fix all reported problems a.s.a.p.



Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is available for 6.00 usd on the App Store

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